Резултат от търсене на 'чужди езици' (общо: 142)

31 2022-08-24 корица - In Search of Greener Grass In Search of Greener Grass Graham Field LittleMpress 366 5 2022-08-28
32 2022-08-24 корица - Eureka Eureka Graham Field LittleMpress 430 5 2022-08-28
33 2022-08-24 корица - Different Natures Different Natures Graham Field LittleMpress 316 5 2022-08-28
34 2022-06-15 корица - NEVEREST NEVEREST Maxim Ivanov, Stefan Ivanov Вакон 230 9 2022-06-23
35 2022-06-07 корица - PANEURHYTHMY - Music, Ideas, Movements PANEURHYTHMY - Music, Ideas, Movements Beinsa Duno Evera Books 184 15 2022-06-21
36 2022-06-06 корица - Sociological Problems 2022/1 Sociological Problems 2022/1 колектив ИФС-БАН 408 11 2022-06-16
37 2022-06-07 корица - Qu’est-ce que la liberté ? ou Dictionnaire de l’injustice Qu’est-ce que la liberté ? ou Dictionnaire de l’injustice Lênsta Petit Кандес 276 7 2022-06-13
38 2022-05-12 not available 20 години Комисия за защита на личните данни колектив Ко­ми­сия за за­щи­та на лич­ни­те данни 496 5 2022-05-16
39 2022-03-24 корица - DIVINATIO - 50 DIVINATIO - 50 колектив MSHS 172 28 2022-04-20
40 2022-03-09 корица - Dogane Bulgare nel 2021 Dogane Bulgare nel 2021 колектив Агенция Митници 30 16 2022-03-24
41 2022-01-05 корица - Qu’est-ce que la liberté ? ou Dictionnaire de l’injustice Qu’est-ce que la liberté ? ou Dictionnaire de l’injustice Lênsta Petit Кандес 272 31 2022-02-04
42 2021-11-21 корица - Lecker und Gesund. 52 schnelle und einfache Rezepte Lecker und Gesund. 52 schnelle und einfache Rezepte Maria Höfner САМИЗДАТ 75 3 2021-11-23
43 2021-11-09 корица - HOMO LUDENS. Selected Theatre Essais 2000–2021 HOMO LUDENS. Selected Theatre Essais 2000–2021 колектив Съюз на артистите в България 224 14 2021-11-22
44 2021-01-09 корица - DIVINATIO - 49 DIVINATIO - 49 колектив MSHS 288 20 2021-01-28
45 2020-08-09 корица - FOLK TALES FROM ITALY FOLK TALES FROM ITALY Translated from Italian by Diana Nikolova Via Lettera 176 12 2020-08-20
46 2020-08-19 корица - FOLK TALES FROM ITALY FOLK TALES FROM ITALY Translated from Italian by Diana Nikolova Via Lettera 176 2 2020-08-20
47 2020-01-31 корица - DIVINATIO - 48 DIVINATIO - 48 колектив MSHS 224 9 2020-02-08
48 2020-01-24 not available Wise words on the way. Néti Çästra by Chanakya Pandit Pavlin Hristov, Teodor Stanchev САМИЗДАТ 80 11 2020-02-03
49 2019-09-15 корица - Myths and legends from Bulgaria Myths and legends from Bulgaria колектив Via Lettera 204 13 2019-09-27
50 2019-08-13 корица - Myths and legends from Bulgaria Myths and legends from Bulgaria колектив Via Lettera 204 17 2019-08-29
51 2019-03-14 корица - DIVINATIO - 47 DIVINATIO - 47 колектив MSHS 224 35 2019-04-17
52 2017-11-20 корица - Contribution to the study of the earliest anepigraphic coins minted in Southwestern Thrace Contribution to the study of the earliest anepigraphic coins minted in Southwestern Thrace Stavri Topalov, Peter Balabanov, Svetozar Stoyanov Mind Print 176 151 2018-04-19
53 2017-06-09 корица - Camino de Santiago. Der Weg der Hoffnung Camino de Santiago. Der Weg der Hoffnung Ross-Hermann Lanze Stiftung Prometheus 336 115 2017-10-01
54 2017-08-30 корица - Maenads – Early Dionysiac Rites Maenads – Early Dionysiac Rites Mihaela Jordanova Mind Print 152 15 2017-09-13
55 2017-07-29 корица - 75 Years Faculty of Dental Medicine, MU-Sofia – ALMANAC (1942–2017) 75 Years Faculty of Dental Medicine, MU-Sofia – ALMANAC (1942–2017) колектив ИК „Св. Георги Победоносец“ ЕООД 192 34 2017-08-31
56 2017-08-04 корица - Contribution to the Study to Whom Belong the First Realistic Portraits on Ancient Coins (mid 5th ­ end of 4th centuries BC) Contribution to the Study to Whom Belong the First Realistic Portraits on Ancient Coins (mid 5th ­ end of 4th centuries BC) Stavri Topalov Mind Print 24 12 2017-08-15
57 2017-05-06 корица - Rilomanastirska Gora Reserve Management Plan 2015-2024 Rilomanastirska Gora Reserve Management Plan 2015-2024 колектив ДЗЗД Рила Консултанти 224 27 2017-06-01
58 2017-04-28 корица - Orders and medals Orders and medals Петко Павлов ПХП 576 21 2017-05-18
59 2017-05-16 корица - Каталожные цены. Болгарские ордена и медали Каталожные цены. Болгарские ордена и медали Петко Павлов ПХП 16 1 2017-05-16
60 2017-05-16 корица - Catalogue prices of Bulgarian orders and medals Catalogue prices of Bulgarian orders and medals Петко Павлов ПХП 16 1 2017-05-16
<<   1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-120 | 121-142 |   >>