Резултат от търсене на 'чужди езици' (общо: 142)

1 ??-??- корица - Formes premonetaires de moyens d’echange. Les fleches-monnaies coulees d’Apollonie du Pont VII-Ve s.av.n.e. Formes premonetaires de moyens d’echange. Les fleches-monnaies coulees d’Apollonie du Pont VII-Ve s.av.n.e. Stavri Topalov Наско-1701 36 N/A ??-??-
2 ??-??- корица - The Odrysian Kingdom from the late 5th to the mid-4th C. B. Contributions to the study of its coinage and history The Odrysian Kingdom from the late 5th to the mid-4th C. B. Contributions to the study of its coinage and history Stavri Topalov Наско-1701 188 N/A ??-??-
3 1993-10-01 корица - Shqiptari dinak Shqiptari dinak Enver Hoxha, Jon Halliday, Besian Petriti SHTEPIA BOTUESE "SHPATI" 248 19 1993-10-19
4 1997-11-14 корица - The VET System in Bulgaria - Recent Changes, Challenges and Reform Needs The VET System in Bulgaria - Recent Changes, Challenges and Reform Needs колектив СИБИ 54 37 1997-12-20
5 1997-11-14 корица - The VET System in Albania - Recent Changes, Challenges and Reform Needs The VET System in Albania - Recent Changes, Challenges and Reform Needs колектив СИБИ 94 37 1997-12-20
6 1997-11-14 корица - The VET System in the Czech Republic - Recent Changes, Challenges and Reform Needs The VET System in the Czech Republic - Recent Changes, Challenges and Reform Needs колектив СИБИ 88 37 1997-12-20
7 1997-11-14 корица - The VET System in Estonia - Recent Changes, Challenges and Reform Needs The VET System in Estonia - Recent Changes, Challenges and Reform Needs колектив СИБИ 46 37 1997-12-20
8 1997-11-14 корица - The VET System in Hungary - Recent Changes, Challenges and Reform Needs The VET System in Hungary - Recent Changes, Challenges and Reform Needs колектив СИБИ 58 37 1997-12-20
9 1997-11-14 корица - The VET System in Latvia - Recent Changes, Challenges and Reform Needs The VET System in Latvia - Recent Changes, Challenges and Reform Needs колектив СИБИ 44 37 1997-12-20
10 1997-11-14 корица - The VET System in Lithuania - Recent Changes, Challenges and Reform Needs The VET System in Lithuania - Recent Changes, Challenges and Reform Needs колектив СИБИ 64 37 1997-12-20
11 1997-11-14 корица - The VET System in Poland - Recent Changes, Challenges and Reform Needs The VET System in Poland - Recent Changes, Challenges and Reform Needs колектив СИБИ 96 37 1997-12-20
12 1997-11-14 корица - The VET System in Romania - Recent Changes, Challenges and Reform Needs The VET System in Romania - Recent Changes, Challenges and Reform Needs колектив СИБИ 52 37 1997-12-20
13 1997-11-14 корица - The VET System in Slovenia - Recent Changes, Challenges and Reform Needs The VET System in Slovenia - Recent Changes, Challenges and Reform Needs колектив СИБИ 96 37 1997-12-20
14 1998-01-28 not available Constitutional Implications of European Union Membership Phare Number BG 9316 04-06 колектив Фенея 208 44 1998-03-12
15 1998-03-31 корица - Правни разпоредби на Европейския съюз относно социалната закрила - том 1 Правни разпоредби на Европейския съюз относно социалната закрила - том 1 колектив СИБИ 180 79 1998-06-17
16 1998-04-02 корица - Правни разпоредби на Европейския съюз относно социалната закрила - том 2 Правни разпоредби на Европейския съюз относно социалната закрила - том 2 колектив СИБИ 206 141 1998-08-20
17 1998-04-24 корица - Правни разпоредби на Европейския съюз относно социалната закрила - том 3 Правни разпоредби на Европейския съюз относно социалната закрила - том 3 колектив СИБИ 282 125 1998-08-26
18 1999-01-27 not available School-based Management in Bulgaria - The Aims and Achievements of the FMSE Project колектив СИБИ 20 16 1999-02-11
19 1999-11-25 корица - Колежански глас, 1999 Колежански глас, 1999 колектив Обществото на възпитаниците на френските колежи в България 4 17 1999-12-11
20 2000-11-28 корица - Information About the Unknown Types of early Thracian Tribal and Rulers Coins Minted in the 6th-4th c.B.C., Kept in Private Collections and the Studies made on their Basis Information About the Unknown Types of early Thracian Tribal and Rulers Coins Minted in the 6th-4th c.B.C., Kept in Private Collections and the Studies made on their Basis Stavri Topalov Наско-1701 52 15 2000-12-12
21 2002-03-08 корица - Contemporary Bulgarian drama  1 Contemporary Bulgarian drama 1 колектив Антракт 280 61 2002-05-07
22 2003-11-24 корица - Колежански глас - 5/2003 Колежански глас - 5/2003 колектив Обществото на възпитаниците на френските колежи в България 8 22 2003-12-15
23 2003-12-12 корица - Bulgarian orders and medals (issue 2003-2004) Bulgarian orders and medals (issue 2003-2004) Петко Павлов ПХП 40 294 2004-09-30
24 2004-04-23 корица - Project - Urbanization and Social Development of Areas with Disadvantaged Minority Populations Project - Urbanization and Social Development of Areas with Disadvantaged Minority Populations колектив UNDP 12 8 2004-04-30
25 2005-04-01 корица - Bulgarian decorations - vol. 1 Bulgarian decorations - vol. 1 Петко Павлов ПХП 552 2142 2011-02-10
26 2006-04-01 корица - Bulgarian decorations - vol. 2 Bulgarian decorations - vol. 2 Петко Павлов ПХП 552 1879 2011-05-23
27 2006-05-11 корица - Колежански глас 6/2006 Колежански глас 6/2006 колектив Обществото на възпитаниците на френските колежи в България 8 4 2006-05-14
28 2006-11-30 корица - Български военни знаци Български военни знаци Петко Павлов ПХП 192 42 2007-01-10
29 2007-01-03 корица - Catalogue prices of Bulgarian Military Decorations Catalogue prices of Bulgarian Military Decorations Петко Павлов ПХП 32 8 2007-01-10
30 2007-02-12 корица - Combating trafficking in human beings. Directory of practitioners' manuals and handbooks Combating trafficking in human beings. Directory of practitioners' manuals and handbooks колектив Асоциация Анимус 120 66 2007-04-18
1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-120 | 121-142 |   >>