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Завършена предпечатна подготовка на:

корица - Textbook of Dental Materials

Textbook of Dental Materials

автор: Ivan Anastassov, Yana Yoshida, Todor Dragev

издателство: София Смайл Център

ISBN: 978-619-90027-3-5

започната: 2013-04-17

завършена: 2013-04-29

1. издание

език: английски

жанр: медицина

Изработване на корица

Сътрудничество при печат

формат: 70 х 100 / 16

страници: 296

The science of dental materials is the most dynamically developing field of the dental medicine. As a result of the advance in science and technique, an impressive amount of dental materials is invented, produced and refined. These new materials almost always call forth the creation of more advanced clinical methods and dental technologies.
The science of dental materials examines the basic materials used in the dental medicine. Its objects of study are:
– The origin, the methods of production, the intended use and the commercial forms of materials;
– The compositions determining their chemical, physical and biological characteristics;
– The methods of production of the materials and their changes during the technological processes under laboratorial and clinical conditions;
– The results of the use of dental materials, the assessment of their biological, mechanical and physical qualities, as well as their effectiveness and durability.
The success of every dental restorative treatment depends on the three interconnected premises – the reaction of the patient's organism, the qualification, practical skill and experience of the dental team, and the qualities of the used dental materials. By restoring the deteriorated forms, functions and dynamics of the injured tissues and organs in the maxillo-facial region, these materials are long lasting healing agents with a decisive importance for obtaining high prophylactic and treatment results in the dental medicine.
In the last years the dental society is flooded with numerous leaflets and brochures advertising various dental materials; a large part of them has a misleading content, serving for the commercial purposes of their producers. Every dentist has the necessary knowledge to appraise critically the advertised qualities of those materials, in order to make the right choice among the large number of the offered products.
The present textbook is a result of a twenty-year approbated style of teaching the students and post-graduates at the Faculty of Dental Medicine in Sofia, Bulgaria. It has a particularly important practical value and the unique aim at helping the medics of dental medicine in their everyday practice. The presentation is relieved of any surplus prescriptions and chemical formulas, of needless physical explanations of production technologies and dental materials that are no longer in use.
We hope, this textbook will be of much help to the students and post graduates of dental medicine too. It will serve also as a manual or a reference book for the doctors practising this profession.
All critical comments and propositions concerning the book will be appreciated with kindness.


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