Резултат от търсене на 'чужди езици' (общо: 142)

1 2024-01-31 корица - 100 Bulgarian folk tales 100 Bulgarian folk tales Diana Nikolova Via Lettera 344 30 2024-02-29
2 2024-03-05 корица - 100 Bulgarian folk tales 100 Bulgarian folk tales Diana Nikolova Via Lettera 344 4 2024-03-08
3 2022-05-12 not available 20 години Комисия за защита на личните данни колектив Ко­ми­сия за за­щи­та на лич­ни­те данни 496 5 2022-05-16
4 2017-07-29 корица - 75 Years Faculty of Dental Medicine, MU-Sofia – ALMANAC (1942–2017) 75 Years Faculty of Dental Medicine, MU-Sofia – ALMANAC (1942–2017) колектив ИК „Св. Георги Победоносец“ ЕООД 192 34 2017-08-31
5 2024-08-23 корица - A LIFE OF CHAI A LIFE OF CHAI Graham Field LittleMpress 328 4 2024-08-26
6 2024-08-25 корица - A LIFE OF CHAI A LIFE OF CHAI Graham Field LittleMpress 328 3 2024-08-27
7 2015-10-22 корица - ALEXANDER THE GREAT ALEXANDER THE GREAT Arthur Weigall Mind Print 373 14 2015-11-04
8 2023-11-27 корица - Alice on a Friday Night Alice on a Friday Night Dessi Nikko САМИЗДАТ 256 3 2023-11-29
9 2023-08-14 корица - Alice on a Friday Night Alice on a Friday Night Dessi Nikko САМИЗДАТ 256 3 2023-08-16
10 2007-05-01 корица - Annual report - 2006 Annual report - 2006 колектив Асоциация Анимус 40 7 2007-05-07
11 2008-05-23 корица - Annual report - 2007 Annual report - 2007 колектив Асоциация Анимус 48 31 2008-06-22
12 2005-04-01 корица - Bulgarian decorations - vol. 1 Bulgarian decorations - vol. 1 Петко Павлов ПХП 552 2142 2011-02-10
13 2006-04-01 корица - Bulgarian decorations - vol. 2 Bulgarian decorations - vol. 2 Петко Павлов ПХП 552 1879 2011-05-23
14 2009-01-08 корица - Bulgarian decorations - vol. 3 Bulgarian decorations - vol. 3 Петко Павлов ПХП 528 1178 2012-03-30
15 2010-09-27 корица - Bulgarian decorations - vol. 4 Bulgarian decorations - vol. 4 Петко Павлов ПХП 624 689 2012-08-15
16 2003-12-12 корица - Bulgarian orders and medals (issue 2003-2004) Bulgarian orders and medals (issue 2003-2004) Петко Павлов ПХП 40 294 2004-09-30
17 2017-06-09 корица - Camino de Santiago. Der Weg der Hoffnung Camino de Santiago. Der Weg der Hoffnung Ross-Hermann Lanze Stiftung Prometheus 336 115 2017-10-01
18 2011-01-25 корица - Catalogue prices - Appendix - vol. 1 Catalogue prices - Appendix - vol. 1 Петко Павлов ПХП 32 17 2011-02-10
19 2011-05-10 корица - Catalogue prices - Appendix - vol. 2 Catalogue prices - Appendix - vol. 2 Петко Павлов ПХП 40 14 2011-05-23
20 2012-04-04 корица - Catalogue prices - Appendix - vol. 3 Catalogue prices - Appendix - vol. 3 Петко Павлов ПХП 32 1 2012-04-04
21 2012-08-31 корица - Catalogue prices - Appendix - vol. 4 Catalogue prices - Appendix - vol. 4 Петко Павлов ПХП 40 3 2012-09-02
22 2007-01-03 корица - Catalogue prices of Bulgarian Military Decorations Catalogue prices of Bulgarian Military Decorations Петко Павлов ПХП 32 8 2007-01-10
23 2017-05-16 корица - Catalogue prices of Bulgarian orders and medals Catalogue prices of Bulgarian orders and medals Петко Павлов ПХП 16 1 2017-05-16
24 2007-03-18 корица - Combating trafficking in human beings Combating trafficking in human beings колектив Асоциация Анимус 108 18 2007-04-04
25 2007-02-12 корица - Combating trafficking in human beings. Directory of practitioners' manuals and handbooks Combating trafficking in human beings. Directory of practitioners' manuals and handbooks колектив Асоциация Анимус 120 66 2007-04-18
26 1998-01-28 not available Constitutional Implications of European Union Membership Phare Number BG 9316 04-06 колектив Фенея 208 44 1998-03-12
27 2002-03-08 корица - Contemporary Bulgarian drama  1 Contemporary Bulgarian drama 1 колектив Антракт 280 61 2002-05-07
28 2014-03-26 корица - Contribution to the Study of Coins of the Type “Silenus and Nymph” – the Most Important Coinage in Ancient Thrace in the Period from the End of 6th Century to the Middle of 4th Century BC Contribution to the Study of Coins of the Type “Silenus and Nymph” – the Most Important Coinage in Ancient Thrace in the Period from the End of 6th Century to the Middle of 4th Century BC Stavri Topalov Mind Print 40 8 2014-04-02
29 2017-11-20 корица - Contribution to the study of the earliest anepigraphic coins minted in Southwestern Thrace Contribution to the study of the earliest anepigraphic coins minted in Southwestern Thrace Stavri Topalov, Peter Balabanov, Svetozar Stoyanov Mind Print 176 151 2018-04-19
30 2017-08-04 корица - Contribution to the Study to Whom Belong the First Realistic Portraits on Ancient Coins (mid 5th ­ end of 4th centuries BC) Contribution to the Study to Whom Belong the First Realistic Portraits on Ancient Coins (mid 5th ­ end of 4th centuries BC) Stavri Topalov Mind Print 24 12 2017-08-15
1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-120 | 121-142 |   >>